How I freed up 13 hours each week that I didn’t even know I was wasting
Oct 25, 2022
After two years of coaching, I had 13 clients.
I thought I was doing really well and wasn’t thinking about growing – I was in a comfort zone.
I knew time management was one of the most important skills I could learn, so I paid for a time management course.
One of the first things we did was document everything we did in a day. This included both personal and business, from waking up to going to bed!
We did this every single day for two weeks.
We then added everything up.
I was shocked to find that I was spending 13 hours a week just driving (to and from my clients)!!
It didn’t occur to me how much time I spent in a car.
The course instructor showed me that this equated to about three months every year – just sitting in Sydney traffic, visiting clients.
It was then that I decided I would stop visiting clients in person – they could either visit me, or we moved to phone coaching.
A couple of clients were unhappy about this, so they left. The rest didn’t have an issue, and most selected phone coaching to respect their time.
The extra time I had now created, plus the extra energy I gained from not driving around, allowed me to bring on another ten new clients.
One decision almost doubled my business.
Most things we do are done unconsciously. We don’t even really know we are doing them.
It takes conscious effort to get brutally honest about how we spend (or invest) our time.
I was coaching a landscape gardener at the time, and also got him to measure his time. He was also spending 10 hours per week driving around dropping off deliveries.
In his case, I helped him outsource this task. As a result, I was able to show him there were a number of much higher-value things he could be focusing on to grow his business.
It cost him $300 a week to pay for a delivery driver, but the 10 hours he found went into strategic decision-making that added another $250k in profit to his business that year!
The first step is to find time and then use this time to work on something with a higher value.
We are really excited to launch a 14-Day Time Management Course designed to help farm business owners and your team.
You will get all of our time management templates (including our ‘Ultimate Organiser’) to help get you really organised – and it comes with 14 days of training designed to help you beat procrastination, get organised and prioritise your time for growing your business.
Each day consists of short, bite-sized chunks (5 to 30 minutes) but will help you understand what you need to change – and you have the option to either watch the training videos or listen to the audio while you work.
We are so confident that we can help you find 10 hours a week that if we can’t, we will refund you and give you $100 for wasting your time.
Click Here: To Register For The Time Management Course
We look forward to helping you get back time to spend on what’s important to you.