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The TOP Producers Model: How Our Students Get 4.6% Higher Returns Over ABARES Sep 05, 2019

I’ll get right to it…

 …because these numbers speak for themselves.


The chart below shows you the Return on Assets Managed (ROAM) for the 2016/2017 year. It’s a comparison of ABARES, Holmes Sackett, and our Farm Owners Academy (FOA) students:

Using those...

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These Business Lessons Could've Helped My Dad’s Farm Jul 29, 2018

The biggest fear for most farmers? (and for most people in general?)


The thought of giving it your all but still not making the cut terrifies a lot of people.

I guess I’m not like most people in this respect. Because I’m quite open about the fact that I’ve had a few...

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David Had His Most Profitable Year… While Working 50% Less. Here’s How He Did It. Jul 16, 2018

When I tell farmers it’s possible to:

  • Earn more
  • Work less
  • And actually enjoy the process

…They look at me like I have six heads (and maybe half a brain between all six of them!)
Then they start to tell me all the reasons why that can’t possibly be true for them. They think...

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The 8 Mistakes That Keep Farmers Broke May 07, 2018

Here at Farm Owners Academy, we’ve worked with all kinds of farmers over the years:

  • Rich ones
  • Broke ones
  • Ones who feel real joy and purpose in their work
  • Startups
  • Experienced farmers

And…ones who spend every day stressed out, burnt out, and zoned out because...

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