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Why Create a Freedom Farm? Because Sometimes S#!T Happens!

farm efficiency freedom farm human resources mindset strategic planning Jul 11, 2024

There are so many positive reasons that creating a Freedom Farm is a great choice. 


Let’s look at the positives quickly, and then I want you to focus on YOUR  biggest reason for creating a Freedom Farm that really matters and why you must start TODAY. 


What is a Freedom Farm you might ask? 


A Freedom Farm is a farm business that is set up so that it is profitable and the business runs whether you are there or not. 


You take the step from owning a job to owning a business. 


It may feel like a massive stretch, but the reality is that most farm businesses are only 2 or 3 strategic moves away from getting their Freedom Farm in place. 


They are just lacking the business model and education to set them free. 


The Freedom Farm Benefits 


A Freedom Farm gives you the option to: 

  • Take more holidays 
  • Work when you want to work 
  • Only do the things you love and give you energy 
  • Spend more time with your family 
  • Pursue other interests outside the farm business 
  • Increase the scale of your business without increasing your workload 
  • Have your earnings be independent of your effort 
  • Remove the dependence of your business on YOU 
  • Feel complete confidence about your future 
  • Provide opportunities for others to grow and learn as part of your team 
  • Surround yourself with a community of people who support you and won’t let you fail 


Another way to put it is that you have the Freedom ‘To’ Farm. That means that you can be involved in the business to the level that you want to, and not because you have to! 


The cool thing about creating your version of a Freedom Farm is that it allows you to reconnect with the passion that got you into farming in the first place. 


Let’s face it, too much of a good thing stops being a good thing anymore and the passion can quickly turn into burnout. 


The energy you bring to the business with your change to a Freedom Farmer mindset is huge. 


You start wanting rather than needing to work. 


Wanting comes from a place of abundance and opportunity. You turn up each day loving what you do and because you want to be there not because you have to be there. 




Needing comes from a place of scarcity and fear. You work because unless you turn up each day, everything falls apart. 


You can’t underestimate the effect that this shift in your mindset has on every aspect of your life. 


But there is an even bigger reason to create a Freedom Farm… 


… And unfortunately, some of us must learn this the hard way!!! 


The #1 reason you must commit to creating a Freedom Farm is…Sometimes S#!T HAPPENS! 


And take it from me, you will be so grateful that you have a Freedom Farm when it does. 


Here is our story, and why I am so glad that as a business, Farm Owners Academy practices what we teach. 


When our version of S#!T arrived, the ability for our level of earnings and for our business to keep operating wasn’t even a concern. 


Let’s rewind to the week before Christmas last year. 


What we thought was an unnecessary precaution and some extra tests turned into 6 words I never expected to hear. 


Your wife has a brain tumour… 




A million things were running through my head at that moment.  


The doctor explained that I would need to step out of work for 3 months to focus on supporting our 2 little kids and my wife’s recovery. 


He asked me, can you do that? Can you take 3 months off to support your family?



Without hesitation, I knew the answer was yes. 


Now, I want you to stop for a second and really think about that for your business. Can you take 3 months off and NOT have it affect your income or the ability of your business to function? 


As humans, we are not very good at thinking about the things that could go wrong. 


Contemplating our capacity to no longer be able to do what we are currently doing is something that we seem blind to.



Largely, we live life in the illusion that ‘bad things won’t happen to me.’ 


But, when S#!T happens you immediately reorder what your major priorities are… 


…and it’s why it’s critical that you set your business up to work for you rather than becoming a slave to your business, sacrificing the things that matter most in your life


Thankfully the tumour my partner has is benign and she has a great prognosis for treatment, albeit a long road to recovery following brain surgery.  


And, although the future is uncertain, we are feeling really good about what’s next. 


What about a farming example I hear you say? 


So, you may be thinking, well that’s all well and good for you Sam but we run a farm business, not a coaching business. 


Last week I received this message from an amazing woman and farm owner, Nano, who has been through the Platinum Mastermind Program with her family and has had her own battle with a brain tumour.  


Her message sums up what it means to have a Freedom Farm and why we are so passionate about helping farm businesses: 



The Platinum Mastermind Program is a 3-year business coaching and education program for farm owners where we teach you how to create a “Freedom Farm”.  


You can learn more about the program here or book a Complimentary Coaching Call to find out whether this may be right for your business. Click here to secure your call now. 


In Summary 


There are numerous benefits to creating a Freedom Farm (aka A PROFITABLE FARM BUSINESS THAT WORKS WHETHER YOU ARE THERE OR NOT), including creating a more profitable, confident and fulfilled life. 


If the many benefits aren’t enough for you then remember this. 


If your business relies on you then YOU ARE THE BIGGEST RISK TO YOUR BUSINESS.



Perhaps the most compelling reason to create a Freedom Farm is to give yourself and your family the peace of mind that when S#!T happens worrying about how you will possibly keep the farm business going won’t even be a concern. 


Register now for the free 2024 Surviving & Thriving In The Current Trading Environment Webinar. This webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools to stay profitable in the current climate. Break free from financial stress and discover how to adapt your business model for high returns, even in uncertain times. 


Remember, you are probably only 2 or 3 strategic moves away from your Freedom Farm. 


You just need the business model and the education that allows you to put it into action. 



Sam Johnsson and the Farm Owners Academy team 

CEO - Farm Owners Academy 

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