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The 7 habits of highly effective farm business owners

May 19, 2023
Running a great business is a lot easier than you’d think. Most of it boils down to a few key habits.

 Here are 7 habits of highly effective farm business owners:

 1. They have a morning routine. Rather than diving straight into work, they slow down to ensure they feel great (maybe get some exercise in, meditate), they also ensure they are working on the right things for the day. They never like to start their day until it’s finished on paper – a 10-minute plan will ensure you are much more effective. Here are a few things you could do each morning to help you

  • Write out you goals (3 years, 12 months and quarterly) – include busi ess and personal (health, relationship and family, social, wealth etc) 
  • Read or write out 10 affirmations (I am statements) 
  • Write out a few reasons why you want your goals 
  • Write out a few reasons why your worth it 
  • FINISH with a daily plan

2. Planning and communication. They don’t wing things. They plan and have a system to ensure they are on track, reviewed yearly, quarterly & weekly. Agendas drive the meetings, and the meetings are non-negotiable. They know these are the most important things to do all year, so there is never an excuse not to have them.


3. Budgeting, reviewing financial data, and breaking their business into Key Performance Indicators. Data doesn’t lie. Highly effective farm owners run their businesses by data and refer back to this regularly to make decisions. They make a real effort to schedule a time to review these important areas. They benchmark, not to compare to other farms, but more to help them improve year on year.


3. Reading and learning. Rather than listening to the news, they love to learn. They know they can get more from a business book, attending an event or meeting someone more intelligent than themselves, and they understand that the more they learn, the more they earn. So they find time to learn and stop finding excuses why they can’t do it.


4. Self-care. Eating well, exercising, taking breaks, and switching off. These are also habits. Regular breaks are vital for the well-being of successful owners.


5. Think Time. They make time to explore how they can improve themselves and how they can improve their business. Many will use a journal and write out ideas on how to grow their business, improve their health, relationships, etc. They know that thinking with a pen will get them a lot further than thinking without one, and they love to write things down because they know they have a higher probability of implementing things if they are written down.


6. Scheduling things in their calendar and holding themselves accountable for doing it. Most people don’t like to let others down, but successful people also don’t like letting themselves down. So if they say they will do something, they do it. They recognise that if they don’t schedule it in their calendar (all highly successful people use a calendar to drive their time), then there is a good chance they won’t do it. So they put things into their calendar regularly, then hold themselves to account for sticking to this time and getting it done.  

Remember – a bad habit is easy to have, hard to live with, and a good habit is a bit harder to put in place at first, but will make your life easier in the long run. 


Have a great day! 




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