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Do you want improved results in 2023? Do this first...

Jan 27, 2023


My biggest shift in helping me with time management wasn’t a tool. It was a change in mindset. 

I used to be an amazing procrastinator. I would always leave things to the last minute, and I constantly lived in stress and overwhelm (waking up at night remembering things I forgot to do). 

I wasn’t congruent when I became a coach because I was coaching people to become organised, but I wasn’t living this myself. 

My coach said to me, ‘If you can’t be congruent, then don’t teach it.’ So, I invested in a time management course run by a business expert called Brian Tracy. 

Module one was very challenging. 

Brian shared that we ‘get what we focus on’, and my actions and behaviours were influenced by what I believed. 

The fastest way to change anything was to work on my internal beliefs. 

Here is a summary of what I believed before completing the course and implementing it: 

  • I am disorganised
  • I leave things to the last minute
  • I hate planning and don’t have time for this
  • I am busy
  • I don’t have time for anything
  • I am okay leaving things until tomorrow
  • I am not good enough

All of these (limiting) beliefs needed to be challenged, and Brian said that becoming organised and productive won’t occur until I changed my thinking. In other words, I could learn all the time management tools under the sun, but if I still carried around the belief ‘I don’t have time for anything,’ then I would never create the time to implement the new tool/s. 

So, I worked on re-creating new beliefs, such as: 

  • I am becoming more organised
  • I make time to plan because planning will create more time for me
  • I have space to work on my goals, and I don’t need to rush
  • I feel on top of my to-do list
  • I do today what I could put off till tomorrow
  • I am enough and worthy

It took a while, but I found repeating these new beliefs and changing my story had a tremendous impact. Over a short period of time, I went from a highly disorganised coach to feeling really organised and productive. 

It took some time for me to create the negative beliefs, so of course, it takes time to recreate the new beliefs and new mindset (I would write these new beliefs down and read them out regularly).

Once you re-programmed your mind, then the magic begins to happen. 

Over the years, we (Farm Owners Academy) have been lucky enough to learn so many little tools, tips, tricks and hacks to help people become more effective with their time. All of this (beginning with your mindset) is shared in our Time Management & Productivity course. It goes for 14 days (you get lifetime access), and you can watch or listen to it while working (it’s broken into simple bite-size chunks to not overwhelm you). 

Have a great day,


P.S. When you look at it, everything comes back to your mindset and how you think. It’s often the last thing we consider and look at. 

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