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Do You Identify as A Farmer?

mental health mindset personal development positive thinking top producers program Oct 17, 2024

I recently presented at our Take Stock Deep Dive in Adelaide, where our Platinum Mastermind Members explored the power of setting ambitious goals that felt exciting and wonderful. 

One of the most transitive exercises involved participants writing their ‘future stories’ - imagining themselves ten years from now, reflecting and marvelling at the incredible life they had built. 

But a key question emerged from many in the room: 

“How do I stop identifying solely as a farmer or just a stay-at-home parent, to allow me to reach these goals?” 

It’s a powerful question. 

Can you relate? Or does someone you know come to mind? 

When I finished school, I pursued a career in Physiotherapy, working in that profession for 27 years. Although people referred to me as a physiotherapist, that title didn’t capture who I really was. If it did, it would suggest that I was just like every other physiotherapist out there – which I’m not, I am more. The only thing we all have in common is that we studied similar information and performed similar tasks at work. 

You Are More Than What You Do 

You are not defined by your job. You are uniquely you. And the best part? You’re constantly evolving, which is a good thing. 

I firmly believe that our purpose in life is to grow - to become more of the person we want to be. And the beauty of that is you get to choose what that looks like. 

Do you want to become more present, more adventurous, more patient, or better at connecting with others? Do you want to be fitter, healthier, more energised, or more spontaneous? Whatever your vision, you are in control of your transformation. 

If you're looking to take the next step in your personal and business growth, I invite you to join me and the team at our upcoming TOP Producers Program event. This transformative experience is designed for farm owners who want to level up their leadership, improve profitability, and embrace the entrepreneurial mindset. Whether you prefer to attend in person or virtually, we have options to suit you! Early bird tickets are currently on sale, but not for long—so don’t miss out! Click here to view upcoming dates and locations, and secure your spot today. 

Breaking Free from Labels 

You are not a label (even though lots of forms ask for your occupation). 

Perhaps the next time you’re filling out a form that asks for your occupation, consider this: You’re not just a farmer. You’re an entrepreneur

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, an entrepreneur is “a person who attempts to make a profit by starting a company or by operating alone in the business world.” But to me, it goes beyond that—it’s about being someone who sees an idea through, with passion and confidence. 

That’s how I like to remember my father— a man who had an idea and followed through with it, with confidence. 

So, ask yourself: 
What is your true identity? 
Who are you becoming? 

Embrace the fact that you are so much more than any label society or tradition places on you. You are capable of growth, innovation, and greatness. You are a visionary, a leader, an entrepreneur—and your story is just beginning. 

You are you and you are forever becoming more of who you want to be if you are consciously choosing that. 

What is your identity? 


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Is Your Dream Team Right in Front of You?

Sep 19, 2024

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