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Being a wealthy farmer is much more than having lots of money

Nov 25, 2022

Having money is nice, but having quality of life – good health and good relationships – is even more important. 


At Farm Owners Academy, we help farmers make more money, but we get a bigger kick out of seeing you turn your life around and start enjoying it more. 


I would argue that if you have a lot of money but you still live in your head, then you are broke. 


Life really is about experiencing things, connecting with others and going out of your way to help other people. 


This is true happiness. 


Today one of my clients called me and was whinging about a team member who was behind on some of their tasks. He was frustrated and angry. 


After venting for 20 minutes and carrying on like the world was over, I told him about a phone call I had just had before our meeting… 


A friend of mine from school had called me to tell me his wife had passed away. 


She had gone into the hospital at 2pm with stomach pain and died at 7.30pm that night.  


She was only 45.  


It ended up being a kidney infection that led to a heart attack. 


Needless to say, my client realised he was complaining about nothing. 


If you look at it, so many people live their life for the future. Always waiting to start living or do the things they always dreamed   


This isn’t real wealth. This is delusional. 


When the Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him most about humanity, he answered, 


“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present.” 

Humans are programmed to survive, so we spend a lot of our lives protecting ourselves against death. There is also a fear of running out of money. 


But the reality is no one knows when death will occur.  


And it might happen to you or someone very close to you tomorrow for all you know. 

From my experience, your ego is programmed to constantly achieve and then feel peace.  

It’s restless. It always wants more and more and can’t stop.   

Once you become aware of your ego, then you begin to laugh at it, tell it to chill out a little, and you can give yourself some permission to slow down and make the most of your life. 


Sometimes we need to have an honest look at the way we live our lives and remind ourselves that we don’t need to take it so seriously. That we can slow down and live in the heart (it’s hard when you live life at speed). 


It’s difficult to live in your heart if you are always striving for more or always solving problems.  


Real wealth is measured by the experiences you have and the friendships and love that you receive and give to the world.   


Have a great Friday and weekend. 



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