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19 Tips From 22 Years of Coaching…

Jul 22, 2022

19 Tips From 22 Years of Coaching… 

1. Give yourself 4-7 years to get good at business. Running a business is an amazing journey. It uncovers many insecurities, and you attract many clients that will bring out these insecurities. However, when these insecurities are gone, you will attract extraordinary people – and when you attract extraordinary people, your real business journey will begin. 


2. Work really hard on your belief system. I don’t care what people say, but morning rituals (affirmations, gratitude, visualising success etc.) are the most powerful ways to get the results you want. Commit to doing this at least five times per week. I don’t believe you deserve to run a business if you don’t commit to working on yourself. 

3. Read, listen to audios, and attend one external course every three months. The more skilled you are, the better you are – it’s really that simple.

4. Believe youwill have a great business… and you will. 

5. Keep fit and healthy. The more energy you have, the more you will help your clients – GET ACCOUNTABILITY WITH THIS. It makes it much easier (speak to me if you want to learn more about this).

6. Complete at leastone personal challenge each year. For example, climb a mountain, complete that triathlon, or do a meditation or yoga course. Do something that challenges you. This has a huge impact on the way you lead your business. 

7. Remember your values. Make them your bricks; that is, don’t put work before other things that you value in your life. 

8. STOP. You can’t follow your instincts when you are too busy. Instead, get into ‘flow’ – a state where we follow our gut. Everything works when we are in this state. We can’t find this state when things are hectic.

9. Get excited when things go wrong. Never allow yourself to get frustrated or angry, as it takes you away from a place of gratitude. Good things are just around the corner. A saying I often remind myself of when something I don’t like happens is, ‘it won’t last.’ 

10. Share things you come across. The more you give, the more you receive. If you come across something that will help others, then send it to them – help your community and other farmers as much as you can. 

11. Celebrate wins big time. Get really excited when you and your team (or customers) have a win. This just brings more wins on quickly. 

12. Start your day well. Get a new alarm clock and bounce out of bed. Recognise how lucky you are. 

13. Work on your clarity. The clearer you are, the easier your journey will be. 

14. Increase your circle of influence. Meet one new amazing person EVERY month (or at least every three months).

15. Get rid of news and distractions. Anything that doesn’t add value to your life.

16. Work on truly liking yourself. I would have laughed at this 15 years ago. Now I believe it’s some of the best advice I can give. You can’t like anyone else any more than you like yourself. So, say good things to yourself as often as you possibly can. Your self-esteem is everything, so keep filling the bucket. 

17. Drop the ‘I know’ attitude.

18. Lose the ‘worry’ attitude. It’s a disease if you are worrying. Put things into perspective as fast as possible if you find yourself worrying about stuff. It doesn’t help anyone. 

19. HAVE FUN. Love your job. This is just a decision. 

Have a great week,


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