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Episode 101 - Another Look Into Successful Succession

Episode #101

Succession is often described as a complex, challenging, confronting, highly emotional and intense process.


At its worst, succession can tear families apart, damage relationships and be the demise of significant farming dynasties. We have all seen this.


In this podcast, I interview succession specialist and ProAgtive Co-Founder Isobel Knight, for another look at this important topic.


“Done well, and applying sound business management fundamentals, succession can be a very positive and creative problem-solving process… one that creates very real and significant opportunities for all involved.”


This is how succession should be.


Over the past 18 years, I have always admired Isobel and the quiet determination she has extended in making a difference for Australian farming families around succession.


I love Isobel’s perspective on succession and how she reminds us to focus on the future and create new opportunities for all involved - finding a way to be respectful, empathetic and grateful in how we arrive at the process.


Now, leading a team of succession specialists and serving farming families across Australia, we can learn a lot from the process Isobel’s team work through as they facilitate farm family succession meetings.


Thank you Isobel, for so openly sharing your view on this important topic and your insight as to how families can set the foundations, through good business management, to do this well. I commend you on a highly successful career and for the impact you have made on our industry.


I hope you find this valuable.


Hutch & Team


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